Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Delicate Bud

Today's tidbits of information comes from Lilly's Rose Garden.

Did you know... ?

- Roman Emperor Nero liked to shower his guests with fresh rose petals. According to the legend, the dense rose-petal cloud nearly suffocated some of the guests.

- In the Middle Ages, it was customary for the wealthy to put rose petals and rose oil in their baths. Many noblewomen carried bouquets of fragrant flowers to cover body odors.

- The early Christians saw a correlation between the five petals of the Rosa sancta and the five wounds of Christ. The red rose stood for Christ's blood, while the white rose for the Virgin Mary.

- It was in the 17th century that French explorer Samuel de Champlain brought the first cultivated roses to North America. More about Rose history.

"Pink Bud"
White Rose
LA Zoo & Botanical Gardens
Los Angeles, CA

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