Friday, March 11, 2011

Time to Select the Mohawk's Color - Just $100 to Go

     These past couple of weeks have been amazing. Thank you to everyone who have so generously given of your time and money to support my efforts to raise critical childhood cancer cure research funds for the St. Baldrick's Foundation.
     On Tuesday, February 22, we met the $500 goal for perming the hair and as you see, the 'Fro has been created. It's a real flashback to the 70s, a period I did live through although at the time I wasn't wearing this style.
     As the title indicates, I'm just $100 from reaching my $1000 goal for changing the color of my hair on the way to "Creating the Mohawk". That means, you who have donated get a chance to choose what color I will wear my hair from Thursday, March 17 to shave day on March 26.

     These are the colors that have been suggested: Gold w/Tiger Stripes, Natural Redhead, Blue, Florescent Orange, Purple and Green. Yes, these are some pretty wild colors, but I'm willing to wear the color for those who have been willing to donate.
     So be sure to vote so I know what color I'm going to be wearing for the following 10 days.

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. -- Albert Pike

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