Thursday, April 14, 2011

Exciting Week Ahead

This upcoming week is going to be exciting! I'm taking a road trip with my hubby and we're going to be visiting 1 new zoo and 3 that we've already have spent extensive time there photographing.

On Sunday, we plan to do the Ft. Worth Zoo and the Dallas Zoo. On Tuesday, the plan is to do the Dickerson Park Zoo in Springfield MO and then on Good Friday, we'll do Henry Doorly in Omaha.

In between the zoo visits I will be visiting my little sister in Dallas and my uncle in Cissna Park, IL. It's going to be an amazing week.

We love the Ft. Worth Zoo for its big cats. The Malayan Tiger above is from there. The Dallas Zoo is great for lizards... yeah, I like them, too. Tuesday will find us tracking down Dickerson Park Zoo's Malayan Tiger. We thought we were going to find an Indochinese Tiger there, but recent updates indicate that their's too is a Malayan Tiger. Ft. Worth thought its tigers were Indochinese until last year when the pair had cubs and the DNA testing indicated that they were indeed Malayan. This is going to be so cool! Finally, we'll end the trip with Henry Doorly Zoo and its big cats. I've got some of my signature images from this zoo and can't wait to get back to shoot more. I am totally stoked.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Artist Loses Her Hair!

Thank you to everyone who helped me raise critical funds for childhood cancer cure research! I really appreciate your assistance.

I'm still striving to meet my $1500.00 goal.
  • At $500, I permed my hair.
  • At $1000, you who donated selected Tiger-Striped for the color of my hair.
  • On March 26th I shaved my head to stand in solidarity with kids who lose theirs during treatment.
  • At $1500, you'll have my deepest, heart-felt gratitude.

For those of you who are saying "Shoot. I really wanted to donate." Well, it's not too late.

Here's my St. Baldrick's link:

Advancements in childhood cancer cures are shared with other cancer research facilities to help find cures for adult cancers, too. Thank you in advance for helping me raise funds for research.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The deed's been done. The hair is gone. Thank you to everyone who helped me raise critical research funds for childhood cancer cures.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Hair Has Been Changed

Saturday, March 26 is quickly approaching. I am scheduled to have my head shaved at 12:10 p.m. in Armstrong Hall (14 E Cache La Poudre) on the Colorado College Campus.

Thank you to each and everyone who has donated (and will donate) to help me raise critical funds for childhood cancer research.

My goal is still $1,500.00.

  • At $500, I permed my hair... thank you to everyone who helped me get there!
  • At $1,000, you who have donated chose "Tiger-Striped" for the hair color... thank you to those who helped me get to that next fundraising level. The first image is what was initially done. It was then determined that the change was not obvious enough so the next step was taken. Surprisingly, the black stripes show up better against the auburn.
  • The next level is $1,500. We're $473 away from meeting that final fundraising level and "Creating the Mohawk"!
Where does the money go?
Grant funds have been distributed to the over 230 institutions of the Children's Oncology Group (COG) for laboratory research and to help make clinical trials available to more children than ever, giving them treatment that offers the best chance for a cure. Your support truly makes a difference!

What percentage of my money goes to research?
Of every dollar raised, 78% funds research to find a cure, 19% goes to fundraising (website, phones, postage, printing, t-shirts, office space, staff, etc.) and 3% goes to administration (accounting, distributing and monitoring grants, etc.). St. Baldrick's takes its responsibility to be efficient and good stewards of every dollar donated very seriously, and strives to put the most funding possible into the hands of researchers who can cure childhood cancers.
Click on St. Baldrick's Foundation for more information on the organization.

Click on Dusty to get to my donation page and help with the final push.

If you wish to donate by check or cash, you may flag me down or mail it to the Foundation. Please follow the information on the FAQ page to mail in a donation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Choice of Color Coming to an End

51 hours left & counting
Current 1st place
2nd place
In the running

In just about 51 hours I will be sporting a new "do". Last night, the $1000 goal was surpassed by a friend who felt it was important that I not miss out on changing my hair color. He also has a very generous heart and made his contribution to help with those critical research funds for childhood cancer cures.

It has been interesting to see what choices the donors are choosing. Tiger-striped is my choice and preference. I think it will also be much more striking when the Mohawk is cut than any of the solid colors. Of course, it makes me look like a Bengals' fan and while I am a Bengal tiger fan (& all other tiger sub-species), my NFL team is and always has been "Da Bears".

However, my goal is still $1,500. We are just $460 away from reaching that goal. And you can still get in on that. You can either click on this entry's title or here to reach my St. Baldrick's page to donate. It's never too late to help with those funds for researching childhood cancer cures.

Colorado Springs' Shave Day was in the top 25 events to raise the most money. Last year we raised $142, 979. The St. Baldrick's Foundation handed out over $15 million last year for childhood cancer research. Thanks for your help in advancing cancer research.

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. -- Albert Pike

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Choose the Color for the Mohawk

Current Look
Gold w/Tiger Stripes
Natural Redhead
Florescent Orange

     Well, here are the color choices and approximately what I will look like with that color of hair.
     Of course, what I really will look like will actually depend on the shade of color that the hair stylist purchases. Needless to say, Blue, Orange, Purple and Green will require that my existing color be stripped from the hair follicles. The first 2 really shouldn't require the added step.
     I'm partial to the Tiger Stripes, but what color do you want? If you want to vote, please go to my St. Baldrick's page and make a contribution. It gives you a say in the color and certainly helps me reach my goal of raising $1,500.
     I'm $80 from having this done to my hair. How long will I wear this color? It will be worn from March 17 in the afternoon until shave time on March 26. That works out to 9 days -- 8 full days and 2 partials.

     Here's the St. Baldrick's link:

Thanks for your generosity!

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. -- Albert Pike

Friday, March 11, 2011

Time to Select the Mohawk's Color - Just $100 to Go

     These past couple of weeks have been amazing. Thank you to everyone who have so generously given of your time and money to support my efforts to raise critical childhood cancer cure research funds for the St. Baldrick's Foundation.
     On Tuesday, February 22, we met the $500 goal for perming the hair and as you see, the 'Fro has been created. It's a real flashback to the 70s, a period I did live through although at the time I wasn't wearing this style.
     As the title indicates, I'm just $100 from reaching my $1000 goal for changing the color of my hair on the way to "Creating the Mohawk". That means, you who have donated get a chance to choose what color I will wear my hair from Thursday, March 17 to shave day on March 26.

     These are the colors that have been suggested: Gold w/Tiger Stripes, Natural Redhead, Blue, Florescent Orange, Purple and Green. Yes, these are some pretty wild colors, but I'm willing to wear the color for those who have been willing to donate.
     So be sure to vote so I know what color I'm going to be wearing for the following 10 days.

What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal. -- Albert Pike

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Thanks for the perm. Just $325 from changing hair color... click to contribute.